Fringe Florida now on Bookstore Shelves
I saw a copy of Fringe Florida on the shelf at Inkwood Books in Tampa last night. Strange, I didn’t have the euphoric, giddy response from seeing my first book in a bookstore that I had anticipated. Of course, that probably has a lot to do with just having listened to National Book Award-winner Bob Shacochis read from his latest, The Woman Who Lost Her Soul. Nothing is more humbling to this writer than listening to the words of a great one. Add to that, the falling-off-a-cliff fear of knowing that less than a month from now I’ll be the one sitting on the wooden stool explaining my book and all the humanity and strangeness it entails – the nuances of furridom, 1%er biker wars, swinger conventions, orb tours, and a long list of other seemingly disparate things found in Florida.
Catch me floundering at Inkwood on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 7 pm.